Bitte geben Sie einen Namen ein, unter dem Ihr Kommentar veröffentlicht wird, und eine E-Mail-Adresse. "You are acting dishonestly and unfairly.
After Gantz's party broke with coalition line to pass bill, ultra-Orthodox parties vow consequences including cutting ties with Kahol Lavan, while Likud MK warns of another electionUltra-Orthodox parties condemned Defense Minister Benny Gantz's Kahol Lavan party for its support of a bill banning so-called conversion therapy for the LGBTQ community, defying the coalition's stance, and threatened consequences including cutting ties with the coalition. The change brought on a two-decade shrinking of the size of Haredi families.Haredi parties remember both events, and still invoke them when mobilizing voters to the polls.It is not lost on any side that Netanyahu was intimately involved in both traumatic experiences.The loyalty to Netanyahu over the past year wasnât about Netanyahu, or at least not about the 2020 version of the man. But the nonagenarian rabbis have no idea what a young Haredi man or woman is facing in modern Israel, and the Haredi political leaders who have been running their parties for a generation have put all their faith in Netanyahu and the status quo. "Gantz’s Kahol Lavan party voted in favor, defying the coalition's stance against the bill. These aren’t the best of times.
They have all the means to prevent any attempts in the legislature or government to forcibly draft their young men to military service or liberalize the state kashrut system or rabbinical courts.A great deal of ink has been spilled on the enormous number of deputy ministers â 16! "MK Moshe Gafni of United Torah Judaism said, "we will not cooperate with Kahol Lavan, but the Likud rule is also equal to nil.
It made Gantz a valuable partner, too, and drove the Haredi parties to conclude that a stable, long-lasting and secularist-free unity government was the best possible outcome for them.Throughout the Netanyahu-Gantz unity talks, fearful of a new election’s potential for rekindling secularist politics, the Haredi parties quietly but persistently pressured Netanyahu to seal a deal with Gantz.The Haredi political factions are simultaneously powerful and weak. September 17, 2019 - Israelis vote for parties, not individual candidates, and 32 parties are competing at the ballot box. If you have some decency you would have come and let me know in the morning.”United Torah Judaism condemned the law and said it "violates the sanctity of family and is a blatant violation of the coalition agreement," and said that faction members "are free from any commitment with Kahol Lavan members and coalition commitments. How Will if Affect the Economy? “And this is just not seeing your family on Shabbat because there’s no public transport,” he says, with a picture of a sad-eyed elderly parent.
But after a year of political deadlock, and with an updated education budget still months away from passing in the Knesset, the no-longer-interim deputy education minister must contend with a budget crisis in Haredi education brought on by the lack of a functioning Knesset.âWe’re in one of the most important places in the country,â he said during the visit to the departmentâs Jerusalem office. Not just to provide elemental things like civil marriage and public transport on Shabbat, but also to liberate young Haredi men from the yeshiva-army trap and allow them to join the workforce, which is what most of them want. Three years later, having already won four Knesset seats, it launched the “El Hama’ayan” (“To the Wellspring”) network of schools.It was a dramatic moment for Israeli society, an attempt to cobble together into a national movement with national aspirations the handful of local initiatives to establish Sephardi and Mizrahi religious schools that wouldn’t be dominated by Ashkenazi religiosity and politics.The first schools were haphazard and impoverished, housed in dilapidated buildings, and lacking funding and planning support from both national and local education authorities. The military draft is a particularly contentious issue in Israel, where ultra-Orthodox Jews have long been exempted from the country’s mandatory service. By far, most of these followers (77%) are Arab-Christians, who are mostly adherents of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church (60% of Arab Christians).
In allen Wahlen zuvor waren es mindestens 77 Prozent.58 Wahlurnen waren in Gefängnissen sowie 190 in Krankenhäusern stationiert. Wir behalten uns vor, Kommentare zu löschen, die unsachliche
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