pleasure squad nordkorea

The mass media in North Korea is amongst the most strictly controlled in the whole world. A typical example of this was the death of Kim Jong-il, news of which was not divulged until two days after it occurred. Only 40 people out of his 200 associates were selected.“The routine at the parties included eating, drinking and dancing, but usually ended with erotic games,” wrote Lee.“A favourite was a game in which the losers had to take off clothes one by one. They are known as the leader’s Pleasure Squad – or These are the claims of various defectors who managed to escape North Korea over the past decade. According to the UN Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights, when the women are repatriated to North Korea, they are subjected to forced abortion and their mixed race children are subject to infanticide. After defecting, she told her story to She said she was only 15 years old when two men in bemedalled green soldier uniforms stormed her classroom without warning, and scanned the room.One of them pointed to her, and demanded she come with them.Mi-Hyang said they made a detailed record of her schooling and family history, and directly asked her if she had ever had sex with a boy. Some even go on to become cadres themselves. If they got heavily drunk, the also played a hair-shaving game. Under Article 261 of the criminal law, prostitution is punishable by up to two years labour if engaged in "multiple times".North Korea is a source country for women and children who are subjected to sex trafficking. For women, their pubic hair was shaved.”He also said there were parties devoted entirely to sex, for when the leader was in a “particularly good mood”.After about a decade of “service”, typically between the ages of 22 and 25, the girls retire from their roles. Earlier this month, the South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo said Kim Jong-un has recruited new girls for the Pleasure Squad after officials broke it up when his father died. So seien ihre Landsfrauen Mitglieder, die eigens von der Führungselite ausgewählt wurden, der so genannten "Pleasure Squad". These could last until 3am, and centred on alcohol, sex, and extravagant food. “At sixteen, when the girls finish middle school, the regional branches of Section Five make a selection from among them.“The ones who make it through to the final round are sent for a year’s training and then dispatched throughout the country.“Most of them go into arranged marriages with personal guards or senior cadres cleared to work in foreign affairs. Kaum bekannt ist die nordkoreanische "Kippumjo", was unterschiedlich übersetzt "Pleasure Group" oder "Pleasure Squad", also Vergnügungsgruppe bedeutet. Each one describes the mysterious group in similar terms - a bizarre secret world where girls are plucked out of society and trained as high-class adult entertainers.The Pleasure Squad is made up of 2000 North Korean girls, and divided into three specialised groups - one for sexual services, one for giving massages, and one for live singing and dancing, which they can be made to do semi-nude.Within the walls of North Korea, the practice is incredibly secretive, and knowledge of its existence comes solely from defectors who have fled to China or South Korea.Kim Jong-un has reportedly reformed the Pleasure Squad.Even the families of girls in the Squad are not told where they are going - only that they are taking part in “important government projects”. They were to be under 165cm tall, free of scars and blemishes, and had to have a soft, feminine voice. It was enforced, regardless of men or women. Reports say they are generally then married off to any of the elite guards looking for a bride.Regardless of their fate, they are kept under close watch, so as to not reveal these secrets to wider North Korean society.At the end of 2011, when Kim Jong-il died, his group of girls disbanded and allowed to return to their families.Government officials were so keen to avoid word of it getting out, they paid each girl $4000 in money and gifts in exchange for swearing to secrecy.

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pleasure squad nordkorea