poe word of fury

share. Would people be interested in a series of other characters in a similar style? You miss out on good weapon enchants, and spells don't have great pen or accuracy. In POE2, Fury is exactly what I always wanted in a Druid. save hide report. 2.1k. Virtually nothing has changes from 3.8 (crit version utilizing the unique amulet, Rigwald's Curse), except the addition of the powerful, new Awakened gems (added fire damage, melee physical damage, fire pen. I might have to try somethin like that on my Bleak Walker run.I love the idea of Fury Druid. I also like Relentless Storm because it can briefly stun a bunch of enemies over and over again, and Sunlance for when I need to attack a single target.You wouldn't actually spend much time spirit-shifted with this build, because you lose the bonuses from Lord Darryn's Voulge (and your spiritshift form simply isn't very good, though I haven't tried a specialized build like Boeroer's). I abandoned my fury druid run, so I don't know if it gets better as you get farther in.currently crafting a druid/monk build with heavy caster focus.

He will shout his battle cry and crush all his enemies. You will lose another 30% of all elemental resistances after you kill kitava for the last time. That leaves your wizard free to be the multi-tool disabler he/she excels at.

I'm playing mine single-classed because I want to get to the high level spells as quickly as possible.I ran a single class Fury on my first playthrough (Veteran difficulty). Not sure how a single class Fury would hold up for PotD difficulty where it is so much harder to actually hit anything.I started a Nature Godlike Fury + Evoker recently. Also, an ranged attack builds it might actually be able to do some damage...And one more: I like the Decree of Flames on my EA character: It often kills trash mobs in my vicinity, which then leads to a chain reaction of exploding fuses before their timer runs out - basically increasing clear speed without any real downside.Decree of War -> Animate your Weapon, in my case its an Bow and does insane dmg (10k dmg on animate!) 5sec cooldown with 10 sec uptime (2x animate bow)....New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castA subreddit dedicated to Path of Exile, an ARPG made by Grinding Gear Games. In your proposed build, your endgame base stat for INT is 24, and even the LVL 1 Blade Flurry gem requires 28 INT. I´m currently LVL 31 and purchased Blade Flurry from Clarissa. shifter has a really good spelllist, dont really know if i like storm blight more then i hate the spelllist :>anyways, monk is pretty straight forward for multiclassing: lots of attribute increases and reliable +12 accuracy for a spellcaster.

I never played a druid in POE1; I min/max to the extent that that means having each party member to do just one job well, and I always set up my parties to avoid melee because I find melee tedious. gonna go helwalker for a total auf +45% damage from might bonuses, +2 penetration, 15% action speed, 100% area, 50% duration and that sweet sweet 12 accuracy. ... An image of Kitava made using every piece of lore and dialogue in POE that mentions him. Sounds extremely nice for … Posted by mezion7 on Aug 25, 2019, 9:53:42 PM. Maybe a stupid question, but I recently started playing PoE using your build. Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Characters Builds, Strategies & the Unity Engine (Spoiler Warning! Choose Wildstrike Freeze. (Losing out on healing spells sucks, so I also have an Eothas Celebrant in the party to do the buffbot/healbot job.)

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