polls poland presidential election

Despite the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic, the government has pledged to continue its popular welfare scheme that has helped raise many Polish families out of poverty.

But passing legislation to limit foreign ownership of critical private media is difficult under EU rules and risks antagonising Poland's chief ally, the US, as one of the country's most popular broadcasters, TVN, is owned by an American company.

Mr Duda is a social conservative allied with the government led by the nationalist Law and Justice (PiS) party, while Mr Trzaskowski is the socially liberal mayor of Warsaw.Mr Duda's win is expected to lead to further controversial reforms to the judiciary and continued opposition to abortion and gay rights. The presidential election was the closest since the fall of communism in 1989 but the high turnout means President Duda won a clear mandate. The PiS may want to use Mr Duda's victory to pursue greater political control of local government and the private media. Turnout was reportedly 68.2%.The opposition Civic Platform (PO) group - which backed Mr Trzaskowski - told Reuters news agency it was collecting information on voting "irregularities" after the polls closed on Sunday, including reports of Poles abroad not receiving their voting packages in time to take part in the election.Analysts believe the close result could lead to court challenges. These are external links and will open in a new windowPoland's incumbent President Andrzej Duda has narrowly beaten challenger Rafal Trzaskowski in Sunday's presidential vote.The National Electoral Commission said Mr Duda had won 51.2% of the votes.It is Poland's slimmest presidential election victory since the end of communism in 1989.One of the major issues of the election was the future of the country's strained relations with the European Union. Headlines. Choose a location in any row to view additional polls and the current polling average (where applicable) for that location. Read headlines covering the presidential debates, results, and more.

The following candidates have been nominated by parties represented in the Sejm. The date range for these opinion polls are from the The poll measures voting intention in case election is held in traditional form in July.The poll measures voting intention in case election is held next Sunday (24 May).The poll measures voting intention in case voting in person at The poll measures voting intention in case the election is held during the polling period.The poll measures voting intention in case the election is held on 10 May 2020.The poll measures voting intention in case the election is held during the The poll measures voting intention in case the election is held after the end of the The President of Poland traditionally resigns from party membership after taking office. We are more confident than ever in our role bridging media, policy, and the public.

The presidential election was the closest since the fall of communism in 1989 but the high turnout means President Duda won a clear mandate. All Recent Polls .

During the campaign Mr Duda came under heavy criticism after At a press conference on Monday morning, the heads of the electoral commission said they were not sure when complete results would be announced, as some polling stations had yet to submit their counts.But with 99% of all constituencies reporting, those tallies were not expected to affect the result. Mr Duda's victory shows there is a strong electorate for social conservatism and generous state hand outs. LATE POLL: IPSOS LATE POLL: 12–13 July 2020 51.0%: 49.0% – LATE POLL: IPSOS LATE POLL: 12 July 2020 50.8%: 49.2% – EXIT POLL: IPSOS 21:00 UTC+2: 12 July 2020 50.4%: 49.6% – 12 July 2020 12 July 2020 (second round) Social Changes: 8-10 July 2020 47%: 46% 7% IBRiS: 9 July 2020 45.7% 47.4%: 6.9% But passing legislation to limit foreign ownership of critical private media is difficult under EU rules and risks antagonising Poland's chief ally, the US, as one of the country's most popular broadcasters, TVN, is owned by an American company. That signals more tension with Brussels. This information should not be behind a paywall, and we remain committed to providing our content for free.We know our readers value our reporting, and the outpouring of support we have received since the beginning of the crisis shows that our readers are willing to step up for the journalism that they trust and value.

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polls poland presidential election