They later massed in a sudden downpour, kneeling and raising clenched right fists, with most then dispersing. Kanadas Premierminister Trudeau geht bei Protest auf die Knie 6.6.2020 - 13:58 Aktualisiert am: 6.6.2020 - 16:00 7 Schlagwörter In vielen Ländern hat es auch am Samstag wieder Proteste gegen Rassismus gegeben,ausgelöst durch den Tod des schwarzen US-Bürgers George Floyd nach einem brutalen Polizeieinsatz in Minneapolis.
Earlier Friday, Trudeau called the videos and reports about confrontations with police across Canada in recent weeks "disturbing." "We're all the exact same on the inside." Floyd fell still and died, the officer's knee still on him. "We're trying to treat everyone fairly and equally. The Ottawa march was not supposed to go to the U.S. Embassy but wound up there anyway. The mission's Twitter account promised the building's lights would be dimmed for nine nights in Floyd's honour, acknowledging that the gesture was small and not enough. "Hopefully George (Floyd) is looking down right now and saying, 'This is a great thing that's happening for our country.' Trudeau put one knee to the ground, his head bowed, as others also took a knee around him. He hopes the protests in Canada will help stop that feeling. TORONTO -- Listen and subscribe to get a daily fix on the latest political news and issues. Canada does have large racial inequality." Trudeau sagte, auch in Kanada hätten viel zu viele Menschen Angst vor Polizisten.Auch in Australien gingen in mehreren Städten tausende Menschen auf die Straße und prangerten Rassismus an. They include an encounter between an Indigenous man and the RCMP in Nunavut. The Ottawa event was organized by No Peace Until Justice, formed by a young black woman. Sie demonstrierten weitestgehend friedlich für ein Ende des Rassismus und für Gerechtigkeit für den bei einem brutalen Polizeieinsatz in Minneapolis getöteten Afroamerikaner George Floyd. Trudeau came to Parliament Hill with security guards, wearing a black cloth mask. Callender-Prasad said he believes some protests have turned violent in the United States because citizens have reached a breaking point. "There's a lot of racism in Vancouver. Vor tausenden Demonstranten ging der Regierungschef auf die Knie und schwieg zu Ehren von George Floyd. Ihre Email-Adresse wird niemals veröffentlicht! Others held signs reading, "Racism is a pandemic, too" or "Silence is violence." "People have this conception that Canada doesn't have a lot of racism, which isn't true," Watson said. No one really knew about black culture and what not to say and how to act," she said.
"Far too many Canadians feel fear and anxiety at the sight of law enforcement officers," he said. I think there's hope for the younger generation." Toronto police Chief Mark Saunders and other uniformed officers met a group of protesters, then Saunders removed his hat and took a knee at a downtown intersection near police headquarters. "Black lives really matter." Hundreds also gathered at city hall in Barrie, Ont., to call for justice for black people. "I just feel like nobody should have to fear for their life because of the colour of their skin," she said. "That comes down to what we, especially Canadians, represent," she said. He clapped and nodded in response to speakers at the front of the crowd, including one who said there is no middle-ground on the issue. Several businesses on downtown Yonge Street and area boarded up their windows in anticipation of Friday's protest and others planned for the city over the weekend. He is joined by Minister of Families, Children and Social Development Ahmed Hussen, left and Liberal MP Greg Fergus, right. Listen and subscribe to get a weekly update with the newsmakers who matter. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nathan Denette Für das Wochenende sind weitere Proteste angekündigt.Unterdessen sind zwei New Yorker Polizisten nach Zusammenstößen mit Demonstranten freigestellt worden. There were similar rallies in Edmonton, Regina and Winnipeg. In Toronto, officers also generally kept a low profile as more than 1,000 people walked peacefully in blazing sunshine chanting, "I can't breathe," "No justice, no peace," or "Hands up, don't shoot." Canada's prime minister performed the symbolic gesture on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. We need change and we do not trust police," said protester, John Coleman. In vielen Ländern hat es auch am Samstag wieder Proteste gegen Rassismus gegeben,ausgelöst durch den Tod des schwarzen US-Bürgers George Floyd nach einem brutalen Polizeieinsatz in Minneapolis.Kanadas Premierminister Justin Trudeau geht bei Protest in Ottawa auf die Knie (Bild: Dave Chan/AFP)Kanadas Premierminister Justin Trudeau setzte in Ottawa ein Zeichen.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau takes a knee during an 8 minute and 46 second silence as he takes part in an anti-racism protest on Parliament Hill during the COVID-19 … Reports and video of problematic police encounters with minorities in Canada have surfaced recently.
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