O'Brien said that while there isn't a plan to … The presidents “thoroughly considered” various arms control issues “given the special responsibility of Russia and the U.S. for maintaining international peace and security,” the Kremlin said. During Thursday's call, he and Putin “touched upon” the situation with Iran's nuclear program, the Kremlin said. All rights reserved.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said he never questioned Russian leader Vladimir Putin about U.S. intelligence reports that Moscow paid the Taliban to kill American troops in Afghanistan, casting doubt on the reports in an interview. Russia has offered to extend the treaty for up to five years, but Trump has rebuffed the offer. Tags: Vladimir Putin, Government, politics, Donald Trump Russian President Vladimir Putin participates in a video call at the Novo-Ogaryovo residence … “Worse than that crazy thing you did with the Bible.”“What we were seeing was huge participation by voters who apparently both consume and comprehend verifiable facts,” an aide to the senator said.Examining themes of race and beauty, “See You Next Time” offers a closeup look at the intimate work, pampering, and chat that happens in the manicure chair.Get the Borowitz Report in your in-box.
Sign up now!Putin Rejects Trump’s Request for Ten Thousand Russian Troops to Guard White HouseHigh Turnout of Smart Voters in Kentucky Terrifies Rand PaulPhotograph by Alexey Nikolsky / Sputnik / AFP / Getty Trump pulled the U.S. out of a 2015 nuclear pact two years ago, and Iran has been violating the terms of the accord to pressure the remaining signatories to offset U.S. economic sanctions. Trump, who has sought to cultivate warmer relations with Moscow, has said he was not briefed on the m…
The only remaining U.S.-Russia arms control pact expires in February 2021. Trump says he didn't bring up Russian bounties in recent call with Putin. According to the White House, Trump reiterated his hope of avoiding an expensive three-way arms race between China, Russia, and the United States and “looked forward to progress on upcoming arms control negotiations in Vienna.” The Kremlin's readout of the call said the parties reaffirmed “the timeliness of bilateral consultations" on arms control issues, including the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. MOSCOW (The Borowitz Report)—Faced with “deeply discouraging” 2020 polls, Vladimir Putin is “seriously considering” not running Donald J. Trump for reëlection, according to Kremlin sources. Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. 1:38. Get YouTube Premium Get YouTube TV Best of YouTube Music Sports Gaming Movies TV Shows News Live Fashion Learning Spotlight 360° Video ... Trump-Putin Summit; Putin Says Meddling Accusations Are 'Nonsense' by PigMine 6. The goal of a Putin-Trump meeting would be to come to an agreement on a new nuclear-arms control deal. The two leaders also talked about Russia and the United States cooperating in their efforts to tackle the coronavirus pandemic, according to the Kremlin. The Russian President had been holding out hope that Trump could somehow stop his precipitous slide in popularity, but a recent roundup of polls showing Joe Biden crushing him in several battleground states made Putin realize that “his guy is a lost cause,” one source said.“Putin has been talking about not running Trump for reëlection for months now, but it looks like he’s finally ready to pull the rip cord,” the source added.According to Kremlin insiders, Putin is actively mulling a number of possible Republican replacements for Trump, including Representative Devin Nunes, Senator Mitch McConnell, and Senator Rand Paul, but he does not relish the idea of making the switch.“You have to understand, Putin has spent years training Trump to be so obedient,” the source said.
If it is not extended, the world will be without legal restrictions on American and Russian nuclear weapons for the first time in nearly half a century.
President Trump is claiming ignorance to defend his recent resistance to confront Russia.
... Screenshot/Axios on YouTube.
This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. “It’s going to be hard breaking in a new one.”“The optics would be terrible,” Putin reportedly told him.
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