rattlin' bog deutsch


Ho, ro, the rattlin' bog, The bog down in the valley-o.


Rattlin' Bog is a traditional Irish folk song.

Ho, ro, the rattlin' bog The bog down in the valley-o Ho, ro, the rattlin' bog The bog down in the valley-o Ho, ro, the rattlin' bog The bog down in the valley-o.

During a performance, it is typical for the song to increase in speed with each additional verse, almost as a challenge to determine who can sing the lyrics the fastest without getting mixed up.


Time zone: There is no place in Canada with any deeper Irish roots than Newfoundland, and The Irish Descendants have captured the essence of the music with their exquisitely produced, award-winning re…

3 Many variations exist where additional verses are added or exchanged to suit the locale where the song is performed. The whole group then joins in for the cumulative list and chorus.

In that nest there was an egg, A rare egg and a rattlin’ egg. A new version of Last.fm is available, to keep everything running smoothly, please Well in the bog there

Ho, ro, the rattlin' bog The bog down in the valley-o Ho, ro, the rattlin' bog The bog down in the valley-o Ho, ro, the rattlin' bog The bog down in the valley-o. Some user-contributed text on this page is available under the

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Ho, ro, the rattlin' bog The bog down in the valley-o Real bog, the rattlin' bog The bog down in the valley-o On that tree there was a branch A rare branch and a rattlin' branch

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Italiano. "The adjective rattlin' means "splendid" in the context of this song.

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Rattlin' Bog, Schmölln, Thuringen, Germany.



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