runescape simple parts

Keep it on in the background and never have to run outWith maple logs tho you also get living materials, which I've been needing for crafting mech chinsIt's not just this, but it's more efficient and cost effective to just buy yew logs and disassemble them, the extra time you spend disassembling the maples logs for junk, isn't worth the extra effort compared to yew logs.I love the final line of this post though... 'people can be dumb and urged me to post it'.

key = smw-resultqueryoffset key = smw-resultquerycondition val = Potion reservoir key = smw-resultqueryoffset key = ?item Does anyone know a cheap (below 100gp) item, with a low (less than 50%) junk chance, for simple parts? key = userparam

val = Spring cleaner val = Potion reservoir val = Spring cleaner val = 2

val = 50 This is a list of all tradeable items in the disassembly category we've named "logs", with the effective cost per material obtained. val = 50 Head parts Release date 25 January 2016 Rarity Common Level 1 Experience 25 Description The business end of something.

For more details on the calculator, see Calculator:Disassembly by category. This is a measure of how much obtaining each non-junk material will cost at base junk chance, with the option to change to any junk chance using javascript. Jump to: navigation, search. r/runescape: A subreddit dedicated to the MMORPG RuneScape. val = 0 I have been doing Maple Logs, but I am obtaining far more junk than simple parts.theyre just outside your price range but yew logs are goodGold Bars are about 150gp and have a 56% base (before junk % unlocks) junk rateMaple Logs are a 50% junk chance before any of the junk reduction unlocks, and sell at 25gp each. val = Simple parts Enhancing components - Antipoison++ (4dose best) / Ruby ring / Ring of Slaying / Zamorak Brews (4dose) Ethereal components - Portents (Restoration best) Evasive components - Royal d'hide vamb / Insulated Boots Healthy components - Rocktails (cooked/raw) Gives a reason to pick up the drops at jadinkos. val = [[Made from item::Simple parts]] Whats good for simple parts? Log in sign up. key = smw-resultqueryoffset val = 50 4. Since maple logs arent overly profitable, you wont be at that much of a loss especially taking into account the seeds you get from birds nests and the crushed nests themselves. key = ?item See divine charge#Simple parts cost for a detailed breakdown of obtaining simple parts for charges. key = smw-resultquerylimit Posted by 4 years ago. 300gp or so per log thoNew comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castPress J to jump to the feed. Odds are a lot of people already know about this but a buddy of mine said people can be dumb and urged me to post it. But hey, that is my opinion.Maple logs is one of the best profits at Kingdom if you factor in the birds nests. I have been doing Maple Logs, but I am obtaining far more junk than simple parts.theyre just outside your price range but yew logs are goodGold Bars are about 150gp and have a 56% base (before junk % unlocks) junk rateMaple Logs are a 50% junk chance before any of the junk reduction unlocks, and sell at 25gp each. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts If you're tired of scavenging for simple parts when you need more divine charge, a good source are maple logs from Managing Miscellania. key = smw-resultquerycondition This guy seems smart but this isn't a very well thought through post.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castPress J to jump to the feed. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. key = smw-resultquerycondition

Auto disassembler: 60 Invention: 5 × Direct components 200 × Simple parts 100 × Base parts 100 × Head parts key = 1 val = Fishing accumulator key = userparam val = Base parts key = # val = 2 key = smw-resultqueryoffset val = 0 key = smw-resultquerycondition val = [[Made from item::Base parts]] key = ?item val = Fishing accumulator key = smw-resultquerylimit val = 50 key = # This category is automatically added by Template:Disassemble. You can get 10k+ logs from just a couple weeks of it.

save hide report. key = userparam Disassembly sources ? By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies.

val = Divine charge key = # Disassembling gold bars gives simple parts about 35% faster than disassembling maple logs, … Like all common materials, five are used in one of the five slots of a gizmo shell. You can get 10k+ logs from just a couple weeks of it. val = Simple parts key = ?item key = smw-resultqueryoffset
I am attempting to find an item that is just as cheap (below 100gp, at least), with a lower junk chance.I've been doing yews for my simple parts as they give them frequently. val = [[Made from item::Simple parts]] key = smw-resultquerycondition See divine charge#Simple parts cost for a detailed breakdown of obtaining simple parts for charges. val = 0 Archived. val = [[Made from item::Simple parts]] This category is automatically added by Template:Disassemble. val = Divine charge (empty) They are easy to murder and 100% hide drop. key = userparam val = 1 A few days ago I discovered yak hides are a reasonably good source for simple parts. 2 comments. val = 50 This is a list of all tradeable items that can give Simple parts with the effective cost per … val = [[Made from item::Simple parts]] Since maple logs arent overly profitable, you wont be at that much of a loss especially taking into account the seeds you get from birds nests and the crushed nests themselves. 300gp or so per log tho View entire discussion ( 15 comments) More posts from the runescape community

This is a list of all tradeable items that can give Simple parts with the effective cost per …

val = Simple parts 4.

val = 50 Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts . val = 4

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