teron gorefiend challenge

He was keeping a pretty good board and I had to use Alexstrasza on myself to not die.

Thanks!67 tries in, no surviving past turn 7-8, havent even been able to play Alex onceThis deck is good. Quick Tips. Obliterate deals its health in damage. Still managed to win, can recommendsubstitute some redundant cards like ray of frost with some card draw like coldlight and you're good to go.I easily won on 2nd by stalling and finally t9 Alex + t10 pyrothere is only one way out of this situation - RESTARTWas stuck in there with another version, got it at first try with this, THANKS!I was already a fan of your Supremus deck. First try win and I really was not sure I could make it since I was not entirely using things correctly initially but then Alexstraza comes along and suddenly all his health was not so daunting.Wow, I actually can't believe it, but I won on my first try with this deck. The matchup is still hard though, but with this deck you are favored if your draw isn't terrible.Took several tries, but this deck worked. first try but didnt have kalygos so i replaced with reno worked perfectlyMaybe I'm too straightforward, but this deck is simply BS.Im confused as to the Alexstasza thing. So expect a lot of repeats.

Didn't have kalecgos so I threw in amazing reno but didn't need to use him. Teron: 60 HP, Hero Power: 2 mana, Auto-Cast – Summon a 4/4 Shadowy Construct (with “After an enemy minion dies, deal 2 damage to the enemy hero”) This is the point where you need to go for bespoke decks dedicated to the challenge. This is a tough match up. Use them wisely! I'm dead at … In the fifth and final encounter of the chapter "The Big and the Bad", you're fighting Teron Gorefiend. One of the largest difficulty spikes to occur in the challenge mode, Teron Gorefiend, not only has a … You just gotta get lucky and have the right cards at the end. Teron Gorefiend [Challenge Deck] Last updated Jun 24, 2020 (Twin Slice Nerf) Edit | Delete Standard. How exactly is this a win condition.

Quote; Share this post. I put in Copy Deck For .

Stall seems to work better than anything else so far. Yeah, this deck was not very effective for the Teron Gorefiend challenge. Teron Gorefiend can be obtained through Ashes of Outland card packs, through crafting, or as an Arena reward.

Because alextraszras battlecry basically reads; deal 45 damage to the enemy hero, which is a massive win condition.Worked on first try. Overwhelmed him anyway Did it first try without alex, just build a board slowly and freeze or clear (had kalecgos on board which helps)Took me 5 tries, but eventually the cards came up right into my hand. Now we get to add this one to the mix. First try win and I really was not sure I could make it since I was not entirely using things correctly initially but then Alexstraza comes along and suddenly all his health was not so daunting. I managed to beat this boss with a freeze mage build.

If my math is correct 15-8 isn't 0. notamused 0 notamused 0 Peon; Members 0 4 posts; Report post; Posted July 27 (edited) Oh my! Boss five – Teron Gorefiend Image via Blizzard Entertainment. Now we get to add this one to the mix. Teron Gorefiend Strategy - Trial by Felfire Challenges. I was already a fan of your Supremus deck. Teron Gorefiend starts with 60 Health and 1 additional Mana Crystal. 2nd try. Link to post Share on other sites. It sets a hero to 15 HP. 10 Minions; 20 Spells; Deck Type: PvE Adventure; Deck Archetype: Freeze Mage; Boss: Teron Gorefiend; Crafting Cost: 5980; Dust Needed: Loading Collection; Created: 6/24/2020 (Twin Slice Nerf) View in Deck Builder. Just froze and cleared until alextraza. This doesn't work at all. You will be given three Vengeful Spirits at the start of the match.

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teron gorefiend challenge