the circle kritik

She starts with a wanted killer (it’s queasy to see even that person readily apprehended), then moves on to her non-techie best friend (Ellar Coltrane, the star of “Boyhood”), whose pursuit by cell-phone camera and highway mini-drone plays like a scene out of “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.” “The Circle” is so clinical in its paranoia that it doesn’t hit many emotional buttons, but it’s the rare conversation-piece thriller that asks its audience: What sort of society do you really want? “The Circle” is Dave Eggers’ variation on “Nineteen Eighty-Four,” in which Big Brother has become the compulsion of ordinary citizens to make public — and relinquish control over — their space, their lives, their selves. Die Besetzung des charismatischen Circle-Chefs Bailey mit Publikumsliebling Tom Hanks ist zwar im Ansatz keine schlechte Idee, auch seine Auftritte vor dem Mitarbeiterplenum entbehren nicht der Schärfe – ganz in Steve-Jobs-Manier, als Prophet und Messias in Personalunion, aber immer sympathisch lässig, mit Kaffeebecher in der Hand und Selbstironie auf den Lippen. The movie shows us what it looks like when people have been convinced to share so much of themselves that they no longer have any selves left.

Doch die Kritik war gespalten. Watson, who’s at the center of nearly every scene, is a serious actress who proves that she can hold a film together with the force of her personality.Yet a movie where the heroine, in her ambiguous innocence, goes over to the dark side of corporate power is not necessarily a movie you can warm up to. That is to say, we probably already live in a scarier world, filled with stranger horrors, than the one Emma Watson plays Mae, a trusting soul just starting an entry-level job at Circle, a tech giant with similarities to many companies, primarily Facebook. It’s very NSA — which is to say, nothing we haven’t already contemplated in the age of high surveillance.But then Mae, after several days on the job, gets visited at her desk by a couple of co-workers, and that’s when the real creepiness starts to play with her head. They tell her that she has already fallen behind on her social media, that she’s not sharing enough with the “community.” She is, they say, the most “mysterious” person at the company (because she’s failed to reveal every last thing about herself).

Of course, this means putting all one's loved ones on camera as well, and Mae's parents (Mae is soon not just a believer but a trailblazer, proposing ways for The Circle to grow that even its executives haven't imagined. When she laughs, in disbelief, that this could be happening, the coworker who tells her about it mentions that it’s “reducing kidnapping, rape, and murder by 99 percent.” (If you object to the idea of implanting chips in children, then it puts you on the side of defending those things.)

A shrewdly ominous corporate thriller about the death of privacy in the digital age is, at last, a movie that fingers the proper culprits — namely, us.On Mae’s first Dream Friday, Bailey introduces a shiny round synthetic camera, scarcely bigger than a marble, that can be attached to any surface. They know that her father (played, in his final role, by the late Bill Paxton) has MS, but didn’t she know that the company offers a support group for children of MS sufferers? It’s the “liberal” vision of political honesty.But, of course, what all this is doing is eliminating privacy — and, more than that, downgrading privacy to an archaic concept. “The Circle” is a fascinating but chilly parable, a film for the head rather than the heart (or any place lower). Circle -Tools bieten ein besseres Soziales Netzwerk, eine bessere Suche, besseres Einkaufen und viele Möglichkeiten mehr. The Circle Kritik 3 Kommentare - 04.08.2017 von Moviejones Wir haben uns "The Circle" für euch angeschaut und verraten euch in unserer Kritik, ob sich dieser Film lohnt. The Circle – Trailer 3 (deutsch/german; FSK 12) »The Circle« von Dave Eggers ist ein Bestseller. Wer das Buch nicht als Satire und Groteske auf Datensammler wie Facebook und Google und auf den Verlust der Privatsphäre sah, musste dem Werk unglaubwürdige Charaktere und einen schwachen Plot bescheinigen. They also point out that Mae didn’t come into work over the weekend (but, they hasten to add, that’s okay, it’s not In nearly every corporate thriller, the ominous bosses are the bad guys, and the workers, with one or two back-stabbing exceptions, are the victims of their malfeasance.

“The Circle” is a fascinating but chilly parable, a film for the head rather than the heart (or any place lower). Daher, und weil er sich wie ein schlechtes Drehbuch liest, war es nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis …

She volunteers for Full Transparency, wearing a body cam all day and letting anyone in the world watch her live her life. Far enough to make the principal culprit…the heroine.Mae is recruited by Bailey and his partner (Patton Oswalt, as the compleat weasel) to become a company advocate, and before long she has embraced the cult of “transparency,” volunteering to wear a micro-camera 24/7 and turn her life into a YouTube-style reality series: “Big Brother” meets “The Truman Show.” (Ponsoldt and Eggers, who co-wrote the script, provide a witty jaded array of pop-up troll comments in on-line bubbles.) Mae gets up on stage to demonstrate that anyone on earth can be located in 20 minutes.

How far does the film go into the new consciousness? It’s a bit of a thesis drama; its driving passion it to warn us about how a surveillance society will work.

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