the oldest witcher

He is the oldest remaining witcher, having survived a vicious attack from an angry mob of mages, and serves as a sort of father figure for Geralt and his Child Surprise, Ciri. Possibly the oldest witcher alive and Geralt's surrogate father and mentor. Season 2 has already announced castings for Coen (Yasen Atour), Lambert (Paul Bullion), Eskel (Thue Ersted Rasmussen), and Vesemir , who is the oldest and most experienced witcher… He was one of the finest fencing instructors at Kaer Morhen and the sole survivor of the old order during the pogrom by means that often change during every retelling.

By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us Discuss the workings and policies of this site Featured on Meta The age of any witcher (or other character for that matter) isn't mentioned in the game.

So no, there probably isn't such thing as average lifespan for witchers.

Vesemir is Geralt's mentor, a fellow witcher who trained Cavill's character in the witcher's keep of Kaer Morhen.

The books and game both claim that no witcher have died of old age though, so we can't know how old they can get. A veteran witcher, once a fencing instructor in Kaer Morhen, the keep where witchers of the Wolf School were trained. Vesemir is the oldest witcher of the bunch and taught Geralt, Eskel, and Lambert everything they needed to know to become witches. Start here for a quick overview of the site The Witcher is Netflix's surprise hit of the year, a series that seemed from the outset an unlikely to succeed adaptation greenlit in the foolish hope of finding the "next Game of Thrones. Not like it changes anything, but we are obligated to inform you that we are using cookies - well, we just did. “A charming relic of the witcher Golden Age, Vesemir is the oldest and most experienced witcher in our series, as well as a father figure to Geralt.

Anybody can ask a question Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Plays a key role in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. To read more, follow the … Plays a key role in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.ImpetuousPanda interviews the Season of the Griffin Pro Rank champion: Demarcation!This month, top GWENT players will battle it out for spots in Open #4 – the last Open tournament of Season 2, scheduled for October! Described as a "charming relic of the witcher Golden Age, Vesemir is the oldest and most experienced witcher in our series." So it is almost impossible to ascertain when a Witcher will die.Sorceresses can live forever because there is a potion that they can drink that is made by Ortolan that stops the aging process. We don't know how old Vesemir is but we know he is the oldest witcher alive.

Anybody can answer

So the answer would rather be found in the books, in which case Gedymdeith was a sorcerer, was probably using Ortolan's stuff, but died from stroke so definitely did not live forever.There is no indication that Hen Gedymdeith was a witcher - he was a sorcerer.When Geralt wants to 'Retire' with Yen, they jokingly say that he's gonna be the first witcher to die in his bed.

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