Legacy. I think it would have been much better if it was more original, maybe done in the original language with a more solid dialogue . The 2+ ridiculously long runtime felt like I wasted half a day watching this. The Rising Hawk ist im Jahr 1241 angesiedelt. 2 out of 3 found this helpful. Einloggen Warum du dich registrieren solltest. Every cliche'd movie moment and every stereotypical character is in there being, doing and talking cheesily. It's just horrible. All images and subtitles are copyrighted to their respectful owners unless stated otherwise. Mahlzeit, Gast! Was this review helpful?
JETZT ANSEHEN . If I had an option I would rate it at a 7 and a half for being entertaining and for the acting.
All of the characterization's thin and dialogue weak, the acting's fine. At that time I realized, phew, I should *not* be wasting my time with such a poorly done film. It's definitely a 10 from me. It's armies now laid siege to much of Eastern Europe.
There is, however, a Ukrainian language adaptation that was released in 1971 under the same name as the book.
The Rising Hawk. Was this review helpful? My only guess is fans of GOT or LOTR who expect CGI and huge battles... but aside from a few historical inaccuracies (like Vikings) this is a thoroughly enjoyable and entertaining romp into 13th Century Europe and I enjoyed it immensely. Then ofcource near the end of the movie the mongal speaks English. After each shot, you want to grab a backpack and run for a couple of weeks to the Carpathians, return to Sinevyr again, go up the ridges and go down the meadows. Lot's of cliches, as another reviewer said.
Du bist ausgeloggt. If you like shallow historical period action movies with American accents then.."fill your boots"...just not filling mine with such crud.. 2 out of 4 found this helpful. Was this review helpful? The Rising Hawk Trailer: ... subtitle The Rising Hawk 2019 1080p WEB-DL H264 AC3-EVO: sub.Trader: Spanish: subtitle The Rising Hawk 2019 1080p WEB-DL H264 AC3-EVO: sub.Trader: privacy | legal | contact. It's a very generous 3/10 from me. Totally unrealistic and predictable. 2 out of 4 found this helpful. I was hesitant to watch this movie because of the negative ratings , but then I gave it a shot, and so I understand the disappointment . 7 out of 21 found this helpful. 4 out of 23 found this helpful. Can Tuga also speak Mongolian?
Two Fur Traders on the Run from Shoshone Indians Test the Bonds of Brotherhood. Weltkrieg verhin...Die in Indien lebende, 10-jährige Britin Mary Lennox wird nach dem unerwarteten Ableben ihrer Elter...Beim Versuch in das Unterbewusstsein des Industriellen Saito einzudringen, stoßen Cobb und seine Mi...„SCOOBY!“ verrät, wie die Freunde Scooby und Shaggy sich zum ersten Mal trafen und wie sie sich...Die Familie Kim ist ganz unten angekommen: Vater, Mutter, Sohn und Tochter hausen in einem grünlich...In den 1930er Jahren reist der junge walisische Journalist Gareth Jones (James Norton) nac....Zur Zeit der Kreuzzüge hat Roman der Große weite Teile Europas befriedet. Was this review helpful? I am a 41 yr old female who just loves her movies. Was this review helpful? Was this review helpful? Awards and nominations, for the love of me I don't know why.. Perhaps for the nature photography, the landscapes are actually rather impressive.
Director and camera people should learn to use the camera for their next flick as it was one of the worst I've seen in many years. Recommended. Family. The Rising Hawk AZ Movies. Coronavirus updates: 85 members of Alaskan shipping vessel test positive for COVID-19. Here come the bodybuilders, next comes the pretty girl, 13th century all perfect teeth, ofcourse, all engaging in cliche all one at a time dialogues accompanied by almost soap opera like camera work and by a standard moodsetting music soundtrack.. With Tommy Flanagan, Robert Patrick, Alison Doody, Poppy Drayton. I think it's a good start, Thanks to the partners who took a huge role in this project and the wonderful actors who became a push of this movie to the masses! Trailer. I don't understand the low rating, but i guess fashionable Hollywood movies, with impressive special effects, are the ones in demand now.
A small village fights for freedom in the frontier landscape of the Carpathian Mountains. I found the film quite enjoyable, I think some of the reviewers here are much too harsh. The story is very good, and it's refreshing to see actors who are not part of the famous big screen. Was this review helpful? 28 out of 39 found this helpful. Questionable stunts. Was this review helpful? What McDonald's Served When You Were Born. It's armies now laid siege to much of Eastern Europe. My rating is 9.75 The score was annoying, the directing - especially the fight scenes, were laughable. 28 out of 86 found this helpful. With Jon Callaway, Abi Casson Thompson, Kate Lush, Heather Jackson. Ugghhh dragged on and on forever with zero reward. Unfortunately, their tranquil existence is soon threatened by Burunda Khan, a powerful Mongolian general who leads his massive armies west in search of new lands to conquer. 9 out of 34 found this helpful. The "Snyder Cut" is here!
Lot's of cliches, as another reviewer said. I watched this for about 30 min and it was getting increasingly stupid until luckily when I tried to fast forward it hung up.
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