"I'm thinking about going directly to the U.N. to do the speech," Trump said at a news conference. "President Trump and President Vladimir Putin had a cordial call July 23 during which both leaders pledged their best efforts to extend New START and make it even better," O'Brien wrote.Trump has expressed interest in holding another meeting with Putin for some time, the people familiar with the discussions said.Courtney Kube is a correspondent covering national security and the military for the NBC News Investigative Unit.U.S. I certainly would invite him to the meeting," he said.Russia was expelled from the G8 in 2014 after annexing the Crimea region in Ukraine. Der Rest von Washington dürfte damit ein Problem haben. One option under consideration is for the two leaders to sign a blueprint for a way forward in negotiations on extending New START, "He wants it to show his deal-maker abilities," one of them said. "We are negotiating on arms control. Der Kreml sieht ein gutes Verhältnis zwischen den Präsidenten Wladimir Putin und Donald Trump und rechnet deshalb mit einem erfolgreichen russisch-amerikanischen Gipfel in Helsinki.
Trump unveiled the deal in a hastily arranged Oval Office announcement, and the White House said it would be followed by a more formal ceremony in the weeks ahead.Since the announcement, White House officials have praised the president and his negotiating skills.O'Brien wrote in an op-ed article last week that the administration began talks with Russia in June on New START and is "cautiously optimistic" about agreeing on a framework for arms control with Russia and China.
Trump mit schmutzigen Vorwürfen an BehördenJoe Biden zieht mit Kamala Harris als Vize-Kandidatin in den Wahlkampf. Unsere Services für Sie im Überblick "A White House official said the president's team plans to have him hold more meetings with world leaders in the weeks leading up to the election. Other members include Germany, France, Britain, Italy, Japan, and Canada.If Trump and Putin meet one on one, a looming question is whether Trump will bring up reports that Russia has offered incentive payments to the Taliban to target American troops in Afghanistan.
The annual summit of world leaders is set to be virtual this year because of the pandemic, though Trump said Thursday that he is considering delivering his address in person. In Moskau galt Trump bei der Präsidentschaftswahl 2016 als Wunschkandidat. He had one this week with the announcement that the U.S. brokered a deal to normalize relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. It's just a big stage. An extension of the existing arms control treaty also would give the Trump administration more time to try to get China on board with joining the U.S. and Russia in a new agreement.If the U.S. and Russia were to reach an agreement to extend New START, they are unlikely to do so for a full five years, two of the people familiar with the discussions said.The extension of the treaty does not require Senate approval on the U.S. side and can be done by a simple exchange between Trump and Putin. "This is an easy win for him," a second person familiar with the discussions said of the president. But planning for a P5 meeting was delayed by the coronavirus pandemic.Similarly, in May, Trump postponed a Group of 7 summit he had hoped to hold in June or during the summer, also because of the coronavirus. "I think it's appropriate. Trump excluded his top aides from the meeting and said afterward that he believed Putin over U.S. intelligence officials on whether Russia interfered in the 2016 election.He's also spoken frequently with Putin on the phone since taking office, most recently on July 23.Earlier this year, Putin raised the idea of a meeting between the U.S., Russia, China, Britain, and France, the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, to discuss a variety of global issues.
A Kremlin spokesman did not immediately respond to a request for comment.The State Department announced Friday that the U.S. special envoy for arms control, Marshall Billingslea, plans to meet with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov in Vienna on Monday in the next round of negotiations between the U.S. and Russia on an arms control agreement.After a round of talks in June, Billingslea said the U.S. is "leaving all options on the table" about the future of the treaty, including extending it, but still emphasized the U.S. wants to bring China into a new agreement. "National security adviser Robert O’Brien said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that Trump has not asked for a meeting with Putin in the U.S. but he hopes to host the Russian leader to sign a new arms control agreement. Donald Trump will das Ende der EU und des Westens. Der Kreml kritisiert die USA.
From their perspective, these people said, any potential upside of Trump striking an arms control deal is outweighed by the downside at a time when he's already trailing in the polls.Trump has held a handful of in-person meetings with Putin since taking office, including a 2018 summit in Helsinki, Finland, that was widely seen as disastrous for the president. "It's just a big stage. Officials said the administration's immediate effort of creating a framework between the U.S. and Russia is not aimed at including China, which has resisted the talks and has a fraction of the nuclear weapons the U.S. and Russia have.Ultimately, the Trump administration still wants to bring China into an agreement, but officials are saying they could extend New START in the interim.An extension of New START, which can be for up to five years, may include two new Russian weapons systems that Moscow has already unveiled, the official said.
Earlier this week, Trump said he is still interested in hosting the G7 meeting, most likely after the November election, and said he would likely invite Putin. Die Beziehungen zwischen Moskau und Washington sind bestenfalls frostig - und verschlimmern sich weiter. "He wants it to show his deal-maker abilities.
Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin sieht weiter eine tiefe Krise im Verhältnis zu den USA. "I don't know but we invited a number of people to the meeting. Russland sei aber bereit, «eine neue Seite aufzuschlagen, vorwärts zu gehen, in die Zukunft zu schauen», sagte Putin zum Abschluss des Apec-Gipfels in Vietnam vor Journalisten. Damit erfüllt er Wladimir Putins Plan von einer Welt, in der das Recht des Stärkeren gilt.
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