New Twilight book could spell good news for fansGiven the immense popularity of the Twilight franchise, which brought in big bucks for Lionsgate at the cinema, it seems probable studios will want to get on board with another instalment.However, a Midnight Sun movie would have a number of hurdles to overcome.For a start, it’s essentially the same plot explored in the previous films but now, the established Twilight actors are over a decade older than when they first took on the roles.Those in charge would have some tricky decisions to make when it came to casting.Aside from the age problem, Robert Pattinson, who became a breakout star as Edward Cullen, has made no secret of his disdain for the Twilight movies.If his apparent relief at that period of his career being over wasn’t enough, Pattinson is also now hot property when it comes to movies.For now though, Twilight fans still have a brand new book to look forward to.Midnight Sun’s publisher Little, Brown, said: “This unforgettable tale, as told through Edward’s eyes, takes on a new and decidedly dark twist.“Meeting Bella is both the most intriguing and unnerving event he has experiences in his many years as a vampire.“As we learn more fascinating details about Edward’s past and the complexity of his inner thoughts, we understand why this is the defining struggle of his life.”Meyer first started dropping hints about the big announcement on her website last week, launching a countdown.She later announced: “I am very excited to finally, finally announce the release of Midnight Sun.“It feels strange to be making this announcement when the world is suffering through a pandemic, and no one really knows what’s next,” she added.“I thought seriously about delaying this announcement until things were back to normal; however, that felt wrong, considering how long those who are eager for this book have already waited.”The Twilight author she hoped the new book brought her fans “a little pleasure to anticipate” as well as the opportunity to “live in an imaginary world for a while”. August veröffentlicht. für mit Neues „Twilight“-Buch kommt 2020 – auch ein neuer Film? Total of five movies released so far from Twilight. Film The Twilight Saga, is ranked among one of the biggest film franchises from 2008-2012.The series is based on a novel of the exact same name.
That isn't to say that the "Twilight" fandom has gone anywhere since the release of the last movie in the franchise, "Breaking Dawn: Part 2," in 2012. Fans erfahren also endlich, was sich Edward wirklich gedacht hat, als er das erste Mal auf seine große Liebe traf. You know?Our imaginations can bend and warp far – like, to the point where we’re lapping up this story of a hundred-year-old vampire (albeit still a teenager) with the hots for his classmate – but there is a limit as to what we can believe on the screen.That and the mystery of the ‘were they or weren’t they’ love affair of Robert and Kristen was one of the major drawcards for the films, and you cannot pretend otherwise.
On Demand James Bond has left active service. News, photos, videos and full episode guide As Twihards all over the world rejoice at the news of a new book, telling the story of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen’s romance through the eyes of the vampire, the rumour mill has kicked into gear: will Midnight Sun be made into a movie?
The release of Stephenie Meyer’s Midnight Sun has, quite frankly, sent Twilight fans into meltdown. Find the newsletter for you And this may be my most passionate point.While I believe no generation can have ‘ownership’ over a Hollywood star and I need to get over my own preciousness (or so I hear), on this occasion I’m putting my Gen Y foot down and saying no – R-Patz and K-Stew as Bella and Edward are ours and ours only.And seeing as I’m no longer the franchise’s target demographic, I say to those who are – get your grubby mits off our lusty teens.Should the duo return for Midnight Sun (if Midnight Sun was even turned into a film, we need to remember) and try to fool us into thinking they are high-schoolers 12 years down the line, I don’t want some fresh 18-year-old to proclaim R-Patz as their crush when they have all the Jacob-Elordi-types that, as a near-30-year-old, it’s just a little…When all is said and sucked (did that vampire joke land well?
Thanks! Sign up to receive television and entertainment email newsletters from our award-winning editorial team. Should Midnight Sun be the next Twilight film to hit cinemas, I really hope – I pray – that Before you pelt me with little, glistening figurines of Edward Cullen though, hear me out.We’re all back in our 2000s feels at the titillating tease of more Twilight, with franchise author Stephenie Meyer penning the upcoming Midnight Sun book to add to our collection.The first in the series since 2008’s Breaking Dawn wrapped up the Saga into a neat little package, Midnight Sun acts as a parallel novel to the first book – with events seen through vampire Edward Cullen’s eyes as he meets Bella Swan for the first time.And while I totally get that you can’t really portray a parallel story without the original players, I stand by the director of the first Twilight film, Catherine Hardwicke, Speaking to Entertainment Tonight, she admitted that even though an on-screen reunion would be a ‘lot of fun,’ there is that little thing about the divergent careers of the original stars that would make it pretty hard to bring them back together.
The Twilight Saga is the popular romance fantasy film series that mainly centered on the story of Vampires.
With Maisie Williams, Anya Taylor-Joy, Charlie Heaton, Alice Braga.
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