View builds, guides, stats, skill orders, runes and masteries from Pros playing Urgot the Dreadnought. Use it properly to execute him.She counters you pretty hard but if you catch her and hit all your abilities, you will most likely kill her.Get Executioner's calling and try to bait his W, than try to engage on him. I believe her tentacles are bugged: they hit you if you are outside of the indicated zone, they hit you if you stand on the opposite side, they hit you if you destroy them but for some reason Riot Games don't care about this shit.Survive early game, don't let him get fed and he will be useless.Very annoying champion, you can't do much even before she gets lvl6 unless she is really stupid, because she has everything to stay away from you: slow, heal and speedboost. Import Bjergsens Build into your game using Pro Builds by Blitz Download. I play on EUW and I managed to get diamond with Urgot in season 10. Her passive shield will make you lose trades in early game, her Q deals a good chunk of true damage, her W is hard to dodge, she can also use her R do dodge your R. You should win after lvl9 if you hit all your abilities.Still not nerfed for some reason. He has some difficult matchups (like Fiora or Jax) but if you are good enough you can still handle it. For example, if you have Wit's end, your W will shoot 5 times per second instead of 3. If he builds Thornmail or at least Bramble vest he will most likely win 1v1. How 2 Crab on 'em with Urgot. Urgot is a pretty unique champion: he is ranged bruiser (AA range is 350) but his playstyle is actually like he is melee champion, so I'm looking forward that one day Riot Games will allow him to purchase Sterak's Gage and get full value of Conqueror's healing but Conqueror is getting changed pretty often, so I'm not sure. Urgot counters well. Urgot's Top Runes. Here are the best Urgot runes for this build. GoliathGames' Ultimate Guide to Urgot (1M+ Mastery Points) By I Am Goliath. Wait for your powerspikes and outscale him.Braindead champion, very frustrating to play against. You still can outplay his Qs and W with your E and you outscale him once you get lvl13 and healing reduction but prepare for painful laning phase.I have no idea why Riot Games buff this champion when they 100% should nerf her. Take Press the Attack as your keystone in the Precision rune tree. Urgot counters well. By ozmankaan. Urgot's Top Runes. Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker!
Be careful lvl6 if he has Ignite.If his E is on cooldown you should win trades. Don't feed her early game or you will never recover.Try to get lead before he stacks too much armor because once he gets Thornmail you will not be able to kill him without your jungler's help. This algorithm is able to determine the best summoner spells, item build order, skill order, runes reforged, rune stats, counters, and team mates. For starting items - see my notes at the beginning.GoliathGames' Ultimate Guide to Urgot (1M+ Mastery Points)Did this guide help you? Primary Runes. Ban her or Jax.His E counters your W, which is your main ability, try to use your E to cancel his stun. Almost the same as Garen's E but Garen can get spins with AS from items and levels, while Urgot will get it with items only. Be patient, wait for your powerspikes and melt him with W and Black cleaver.Very hard to do anything in this lane.
If he is going AP, this is better for you: he can't kill you in one rotation of his spells and you kill him after because he is squishy. Top Urgot Guides. The best thing you can do is Eing his E. Try not to give him free Q healing and damage. He can cheese you lvl2 with ignite. ADCs are nothing without their Support, and U.GG is nothingU.GG Urgot build shows best Urgot runes by WR and popularity.
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