We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing.Search, watch, and cook every single Tasty recipe and video ever - all in one place!Self care and ideas to help you live a healthier, happier life.Obsessed with travel? BuzzFeed Staff. Summer Cocktails for the Quarantine | #StayHome WeekendsWhiskey Cocktails for “The Rona” Because that’s all you have leftSummer Cocktails for the Quarantine | #StayHome WeekendsWhiskey Cocktails for “The Rona” Because that’s all you have left#FlixFlex – Guide to the Best Movies and TV Shows May 2020The only Desi HipHop Playlist You Need for the LockdownCouchella 2020!- The Only Music Festival of This Year7 Online Arcade Games to solve Your quarantine boredomBeyond Baking: 6 Useless Skills To Learn During QuarantineHome Workouts for Every Need, Resistance Bands, BodyWeight Training, Yoga and MoreHome Workouts for Every Need, Resistance Bands, BodyWeight Training, Yoga and MoreBeyond Baking: 6 Useless Skills To Learn During QuarantineStakes have never been lower, what are you doing right now anyway?If you’re anything like me, over the past weeks your Instagram feed has filled with the frustrating evidence that your friends are using their quarantines productively. by Matt Kiebus. 50 life skills you can learn online — for free! Here's your starters guide!Look! learn the basics of type and layout. Of course you are. A great way to learn a language is to combine all four main sub-skills in your practice: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Other kids (some of them future listicle writers) tried, but the stakes of failure were high—mess up, and the pen might go flying to the front of the classroom, hitting your crush in the back of the head on its cruel journey. 2.1 More specialized skills that are great to have in a group how to change a dick into a pussy...cat. 1. Learn something totally and awesomely useless Well, there's an entire section of Reddit devoted to it. Who DOESN'T want to know how to make carrot into a recorder? I’m apparently good as a human pillow. The WFH Guide. Let's do something other than day drinking, again.Now learn how to make a face mask in minutes, no sewing machine needed!Summer Cocktails because that's all the summer we get Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me!Something for everyone interested in hair, makeup, style, and body positivity.How to fold a dollar into a fly-ass short-sleeve shirt.Want to be a street artist, but don't want to get arrested?
April 20, 2020. Something to do with those old plastic circle things.Yeah, you know how to make a dog shadow puppet... but what about a turtle and a goat?There's nothing more impressive that a virtuoso pianist.Are you afraid of the dark? Share on Facebook. ; 0.2 Accepting varying levels of physical fitness and focusing on strengths; 1 No one needs to feel useless; 2 List of simple tasks that people learn fast. Stakes have never been lower, what are you doing right now anyway? … 0.1 You don’t have to be a tactical person or ex-military to survive. Appreciating The Skills Of Your Group & How Everyone Has Something to Offer. Not with this nifty trick.Bet someone a trillion dollars that you can walk through a postcard.For those nights when you don't have a speaker and everyone's phones and computers ran out of battery and you NEED music.A.k.a. By. Advertisement. These are skills you can employ in your everyday work to make it look a lot more attractive. Here are five easy lunch meals to power you through...Summer Cocktails because that's all the summer we getSed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae.Seven recommendations to kill that quarantine boredomStuck at home? Published. I have so few talents, that I’ve tried really really hard to find uses for them so as not to be completely useless. Maybe you’re getting bored enough that you’re even considering picking up some new skills yourself—learning to code, mastering woodworking, or making sourdough bread without a starter (spoiler alert: it won’t be good).Never fear: there are plenty of skills you can learn on Youtube that will fill your hours beautifully, without putting you in even a little danger of being productive.In school, all the cool kids knew how to effortlessly flip pens around in their hands.
The stakes have never been lower.Everyone needs those quick 10 minute recipes to whip up quickly during the workday.
Here are a few of the ones where the usage model is somewhat limited: 1. Weird, Random, and Virtually Useless Talents People Possess By Abby Heugel. — during self-quarantine ... ensuring the most useless cards go to your opponent and leaving you rolling in dough. A PUSSY CAT. Don't spend or save your money...make it into shirts!Put a unopened bottle of water in the freezer for two hours and 45 minutes then carefully remove it and give it a whack.Keep up with the latest daily buzz with the BuzzFeed Daily newsletter!California residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data.Reporting on what you care about. Beyond Baking: 6 Useless Skills To Learn During Quarantine. In speaking, the important part is to actually do it. Learn to be a cool kid now, in the privacy of your own home. We all have those things we can do that aren’t exactly impressive in the traditional sense, but are impressive in that they’re completely useless talents that not everyone possesses. 22 Awesomely Useless Party Tricks You Can Learn Right Now.
In particular, this video about putting on pants without using your hands. And it’s not even just the usual suspects—people who have never once subjected you to a single photo humblebrag have become casual, repeat offenders in these uncertain times.So what’s a lazy quarantiner to do?
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useless skills to learn