“Send a message to the email, with the information of the person and their exact location.”Subsequently, over the past few months, authorities have apprehended hundreds of individuals illegally crossing from Colombia – leading Maduro to announce in mid-July that those detained could also be slapped with a “bioterrorism” charge if found to be infected with coronavirus, despite it already tearing through large swaths of the nation.“Many Venezuelan migrants in exile have had to face the harsh reality to return to their homeland amid the outburst of COVID-19, given that with rising unemployment, many are not able to support themselves abroad neither in the short- nor the long-term.
All market data delayed 20 minutes.Hollie McKay has a been a Fox News Digital staff reporter since 2007. ©2020 FOX News Network, LLC.
In this April 30, 2020 photo, Venezuelan migrants wait for buses that will transport them to the Venezuelan border, in Bogota, Colombia.
All market data delayed 20 minutes. All rights reserved.
Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro Sunday announced he'll be the first to get vaccinated when the Russian COVID-19 vaccine, Sputnik V, arrives in the country. Nicolás Maduro Moros (/ m ə ˈ d ʊər oʊ /; Spanish pronunciation: [nikoˈlas maˈðuɾo ˈmoɾos] (listen);born 23 November 1962), known internationally as Nicolás Maduro, is a Venezuelan politician and president of Venezuela since 2013, with his presidency under dispute since 2019.
As coronavirus continues to rampage through already embattled Last month, the regime’s armed forces took to Twitter to encourage Venezuelans to alert authorities to such “terrorists” – commonly called trocheros, meaning those who had evaded stringent border controls.“SPREAD FOR THE HEALTH OF OUR PEOPLE AND FAMILY!
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“This situation becomes aggravated by the smuggling of fuel from Colombia to Venezuela.
“But none have been charged with ‘bioterrorism.’ Apparently, this has remained as one more idea, which has not been put into practice.”Government mandates are currently only allowing 1,200 Venezuelans to come back per week, leaving many stranded for unknown periods of time – and with little choice but to embark on an unofficial jaunt home, which entails paying criminal enterprises that domineer the porous crossings.However, government officials on both sides of the Colombia and Venezuela border are also reported to be in on the moneymaking – with the smuggler earnings divided up between gangs and authorities.
Also infected were national guards providing security at the sports center, and inhabitants of the town and other neighboring towns on Margarita Island.
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By crossing the frontier with Colombia, through deserted paths into forests and the savanna, they overcrowd and multiply COVID-19 cases in Venezuela,” Jose Luis Pirela, a member of the Venezuelan National Assembly and President of the Commission for Anti-Narcotics, Anti-Terrorism, and Organized Crime, told Fox News.
March 12, 2020: Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro gives a press conference at Miraflores presidential palace in Caracas, Venezuela.
Get our newsletter delivered directly to your inboxThe government would vaccinate health workers, elderly people, and those with health conditions.Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro Sunday announced he'll be the first to get vaccinated when the Russian COVID-19 vaccine, Sputnik V, arrives in the country.He recalled that Russia was the first country in the world to vaccinate its population and volunteered to test the Sputnik V. “There will be a time when we all get vaccinated and the first to be vaccinated will be me.
“This situation becomes aggravated by the smuggling of fuel from Colombia to Venezuela.
"I certainly can’t defend the use of the word, but I sense that their frustration is intense as neighborhoods that had been clean since March are now experiencing cases,” he said. Of these, 18 have been identified as organizers of these movements,” he surmised. Follow her on
It is a great contribution to humanity, with which joy and hope are once again revived.Maduro harshly criticized the U.S government’s efforts to block Venezuela from receiving medicines supplies and held Donald Trump's special envoy, Elliott Abrams, responsible for handling this aggressive policy.“We try to buy medicines to fight against the virus and they persecute us, they call the companies and order them to not selling the medicines to Venezuela.”Maduro also announced that the government will keep implementing the 7+7 strategy to stop the virus spread.
Yet many analysts bemoan that the lack of testing equates to the low number of reported cases.“Such figures are not trusted given that many people have fled hospitals due to the lack of water, food, and basic services.
(AP Photo/Fernando Vergara) Eine aufgebrachte Menschenmenge hat den venezolanischen Präsidenten Nicolás Maduro in die Flucht geschlagen.
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