vhdl constant parameter

Constant. Your an awesome teacher!!!! I then realized (correct me if im wrong) that its good practice to only communicate with signals in your module via in/out ports. Strange that you were unable to get the report statement working, I was able to compile and run the line that you had problems with in ModelSim:Perhaps you have placed the report statement somewhere it’s not allowed?

The syntax for creating an entity for a module which accepts … simulation process. Include one package in your synthesis project and the other one for the simulation project.Another question on this topic.. Whenever my RTL code has to know the clock frequency, I declare it as a generic constant with the true clock frequency as the default value:The problem is that the high clock frequency makes the simulation really slow. In the above example I define the DataWidth in the test bench as follows:But say I want to run my project on a real FPGA (after setting up the chip, pin planning etc), would I need to then have another “constant DataWidth : integer := 8;” in the rtl file also only when im testing in real life, and then deleting it when I run simulation again? It allows you to make certain parts of the module configurable at compile-time.Constants are used when we want to avoid typing the same value over and over again. Can you just define it under ports but not ‘pin planner’ them?Assigning default values to generics can only be used on the top module if the goal is to differentiate between synthesis and simulation constants. To circumvent this problem, I usually assign a much lower value to the clock frequency generic in the testbench:The default value is chosen by the synthesis tool, while your simulation completes almost instantly.You can access signals inside of submodules from the testbench by using “hierarchical signal access”. However, when I tried to access the value like this:.. Thus, you cannot replace the module with another implementation and still use the same testbench. The default is variable.

Please try again. I get a compilation error.
Maybe define a “simulation” constant in the Tb and when the code is running on a real device it checks the if “simulation” constant is not present and then default to “run mode” values..That’s a great question! Participate in discussions and post your questions about VHDL and FPGAs.

Constant is an object whose value cannot be changed once defined for the design. You are assuming knowledge of the inner workings of the module.

Of course, you can propagate generic values from the top level to submodules if this is practical for you.The generic override I use the most is for the clock frequency. It’s a tradeoff between having self-contained modules and having a well-structured testbench.When using hierarchical signal access, you are, in my opinion, engaging in white-box testing. Only constants, signals and files can be function parameters.
Would you like to be sought after in the industry for your VHDL skills?VHDLwhiz helps you understand advanced concepts within digital logic design, without being overly technical.Join the private Facebook group! They can be used for defining bit-widths of signal vectors at compile-time, and they can even be mapped to generic constants as well.

In VHDL -87 this was only possible via an intermediate signal. I actually jumped in the deep end with a FPGA project..

Trying to R/W to signals at hierarchical level (in your Tb) turns out to be messy and hard to test.I still have many questions, so where is the best place to post ideas for future tutorials?This is an answer to your latest reply to this thread. Creating modules is a great way to reuse code, but often you need the same module with smaller variations throughout your design. be explicitly declared or they may be sub-elements of explicitly

For out and inout it is variable. It’s just something to think about if you want to do white-box or black-box testing.Feel free to join the discussion and ask questions in my private Do you want to become a top-tier digital designer? Constants and constant expressions may also be associated with input ports of component instances in VHDL-93.

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