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This luxury vessel's sophisticated exterior design and engineering are the work of Damen Yachting. Named BLUE OCEAN, she is the eighth launch of the 55-metre YS 5009 (182 ft) design and will be available for immediate delivery this spring..

Mode, Kleidung und Accessoires online shoppen im Online-Store Durch das breite Sortiment in dem Marinepool Modeshop wird jede Frau fündig. Luxury expedition yacht LA DATCHA SeaXplorer 77 is built for adventure. Explore our wide-ranging portfolio for your complete luxury yachting experience, Relax in luxurious comfort with this spacious new Tim Heywood design now under construction.Find out why we’ve added a Main Deck hangar to our successful 55-metre Yacht Support design.See Amels yachts delivered to date, as well as our SeaXplorer expedition yachts and fleet of Yacht Support vessels.We are the master yacht builder behind Amels superyachts, SeaXplorer expedition yachts, Yacht Support vessels and major yacht refits.Introducing our three-day event for clients at our yard in the south of the Netherlands from 17-19 September. video The design stands out with her two helicopters. Bestickte Kleider auf LadenZeile.de - Riesige Auswahl an neuesten Fashion Trends für jeden Anlass! News Damen Shipyards Group is proud to announce the recent signing of a contract with Oslo, Norway-based SeaDream Yacht Club. Having total confidence in our vessel means we're able to design intenaries that push boundaries whilst knowing that the comfort and safety of everyone on board is assured. The latest new build of the popular 55-metre Yacht Support hit the water at DAMEN’s yard in Antalya today. Quick Q&A: Rose Damen on yard activities at Damen Yachting .

When the 62-metre custom-designed yacht is handed over to her owners in early 2020, she will be the first delivery from our SeaXplorer range.

She is custom designed yacht to travel to the far-flung corners of the world – from polar discovery to tropical pleasure.

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Latest news. We are very proud to introduce the luxury expedition yacht… She's really a superbly built vessel.”

Damen Yachting is the master yacht builder behind more than 100 Amels superyachts, SeaXplorer expedition yachts, Yacht Support vessels and major yacht refits. The 62-metre SeaXplorer is a customised design.

Amels and Damen Yachting Private View Discover your world beyond limits! Das Mode-Angebot hat für jede Jahreszeit die passenden Outfits. Bequem und einfach hier zu bestellen. "Explore the world in complete safety and comfort, combined with a level of luxury refinement at home in any marina." Unsere Segelmode wird aus diesem Grund von professionellen Seglern entwickelt und vor dem Marktstart auf Herz und Niere getestet. video

Segelbekleidung für Herren, Damen und Kinder.

The launch of BLUE OCEAN highlights the multipurpose role of Yacht Support vessels. Nothing.

“I've worked on three Amels yachts, and all owners have been delighted with the experience. The 69.15m / 226'10 YS 6911 support vessel motor yacht 'Game Changer' was built by Damen Yachting in Netherlands, she was delivered to her owner in 2017. Exterior design by Azure Yacht Design Einfach. Both aircraft fit in the below-deck hangar. The contract marks a historic moment, being Damen’s first for a cruise ship.

The SeaXplorer 77 is available for charter under the The 77-metre beauty LA DATCHA was successfully launched at our facilities in the NetherlandsWe’re delighted to confirm LA DATCHA’s worldwide debut and charter preview at our exclusive client event in September 2020.LA DATCHA is a SeaXplorer 75 from our SeaXplorer range of premiere expedition yachts, the ultimate crossover of high-volume luxury accommodation with a true expedition platform. At the time she already had 75,000 miles on the hull, but we didn't have a single mechanical failure the entire ship. Amels and Damen Yachting Private View 2020. Club-Kollektion Die neue Club-Kollektion mit SYC-Logo für Damen, Herren und Kinder. LA DATCHA is a SeaXplorer 75 from our SeaXplorer range of premiere expedition yachts, the ultimate crossover of high-volume luxury accommodation with a true expedition platform. Introducing our three-day event for clients at our yard in the south of the Netherlands from 17-19 September.

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