The prefabricated buildings are both room dividers and showcase cabinets at the same time. Wenn Sie die Website weiter nutzen, gehen wir von Ihrer Einverständnis aus. 1, 10178 Berlin
The DDR Museum in Berlin tells the story of every-day life in a long-past state, looking “behind the wall” to understand just what it was like to live under Real Existing Socialism. Diese Website verwendet Cookies. Wir zeigen den Alltag eines vergangenen Staates zum Anfassen. Das DDR Museum ist Berlins interaktives Museum und zeigt Geschichte zum Anfassen rund um das Leben in der DDR. The museum was opened on July 15, 2006, as a private museum. Das DDR Museum in Berlin zeigt Geschichte zum Anfassen - das interaktive Erlebnis-Museum in Berlin über das Leben und den Alltag in der DDR.
Engage all of your senses to enjoy an immersive experience of everyday life in the former East Germany. The DDR Museum – a “hands-on experience of history” History told in a lively, interactive and hands-on fashion. Das DDR-Museum Pforzheim wurde von Klaus Knabe 1998 im September gegründet ist mit über 4000 Besuchern jährlich, dass einzige Museum in den westlichen Bundesländern, welches die deutsche Geschichte des 20. 79,823 were here. The DDR Museum celebrated its tenth anniversary on 14 July 2016. Private funding is unusual in Germany, because German museums are normally funded by the state.
In the third part of the permanent exhibition, a completely furnished Plattenbau apartment shows the private life in the GDR. He will discover an estate of prefabricated buildings on a scale of 1:20. The DDR Museum is a museum in the centre of Berlin. The DDR Museum was nominated for the European Museum of the Year Award in 2008 and 2012. Its exhibition depicts life in the former East Germany in a direct "hands-on" way. This center is surrounded by a semicircle of different topics such as “Politics” and “Political System”. The wave of nostalgia at the beginning of the 2000s raises questions about why, since reunification, there is no exhibition in Berlin depicting the East German experience.
In the second part of the exhibition visitors experience the “semicircle of power” where it's clear to see: The Party is the center of everything. The DDR Museum offers you a hands-on experience of the everyday life of a state long gone, the life in socialism. The museum met some opposition from state-owned museums, who considered possibly "suspect" a private museum and were concerned that the museum could be used as an argument to question the public funding of museums in general.In general, the exhibition does not focus on every single individual exhibit, but rather on the overall atmosphere, emotions and reflections conveyed. Diese Website verwendet Cookies. Here as well, visitors have the opportunity to interact and try out the many installations. Alltag – Mauer – Stasi: Die DDR auf einen Blick.Durchstöbern Sie unsere Online-Datenbank mit vielen tausend bebilderten Objekten aus der ehemaligen DDR.Die Dauerausstellung im Museum erzählt die Geschichten zu unzähligen Objekten.Erwerben Sie preisgünstige Online-Tickets und umgehen Sie die Warteschlange! Das DDR-Museum Pforzheim. One can find the object database on the museum's website. He therefore decided to fill the gap and so the museum opened its doors on 15 July 2006. For example, a covert listening device gives visitors the sense of being "under surveillance". During the time of the GDR, the eastern part of Berlin is the capital of the Socialist Unified State. Karl-Liebknecht-Str. The director of the museum is Gordon Freiherr von Godin, who came into position in 2016, and the academic director is The museum celebrated its first anniversary on 14 July 2007 and announced that it had welcomed 180,000 visitors during that first year.
Wissenschaftlich aufgearbeitet und historisch eingeordnet werden auf 400 SeitenDas DDR Museum ist einzigartig, außergewöhnlich und eines der meistbesuchten Museen Berlins. The third part of the permanent exhibition opened in August 2016, which consists of a recreated WBS-70 tower block flat. He takes charge of the project and opens the DDR Museum in the heart o…
The DDR Museum project was brought to life by the ethnologist Peter Kenzelmann from Freiburg. One can also try DDR clothes on in the recreated tower block apartment, change TV ch The museum is the 11th most visited museum in Berlin. The museum is located in the former governmental district of East Germany, right on the river Spree, opposite the Berlin Cathedral. Mehr Infos zu Cookies und zur Änderung der Cookie-Einstellung finden Sie in unserer 30 Jahre nach der Wiedervereinigung veröffentlicht das DDR Museum den ersten von drei Bildbänden »DDR in Objekten 1949-1990«. Visitors are invited to broaden their knowledge, to see through stereotypes and clichés, to rethink and to experience history at first hand. For the museum in Washington, D.C., see Richard Bernstein, International Herald Tribune, 2006-07-21.
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ddr museum geschichte